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Get in Touch with E L Mentoring
We are always interested to hear from people thinking about starting their own business or running a new business already. If you have a story to tell about how you got started or what made you give up the 9-5 routine we would be happy to consider publishing it. So drop us a quick email via the Contact Form above and we will be in touch.
Contributor Guidelines
We only publish high quality content from selected guest contributors but if you would like to write for us and have some interesting content to share then here are our guidelines:
- Articles must be at least 700 words.
- Content must be business related tips, practical advice, case studies or stories.
- Content must be original and not already published anywhere online.
We read every article that is submitted but cannot respond to all of them so if we don’t reply within a month, we will not be publishing your content.
Please enter your name and email on the form above and we will reply as soon as possible.